Monday, December 6, 2010

Are men hopeless or not?

Recently I stuffed up a simple recipe, I expected to get some good-hearted stirring but instead got the old ‘men should stay out of the kitchen’ routine.
No one expects men to be able to cook, and when we do, it is a choir of ‘Hmm, that’s not bad…for a man.’
Ladies, let me remind you how sexist that is!
If a woman’s house is untidy they are reminded to get off their ass and catch up, but when a mans house is untidy it is all, ‘Well, he is a man, what do you expect’, or ‘let me do that for you. (you hopeless dimwit)’.

Once we lived in caves and ate dead things…raw! All one had to do was throw the yucky bits out the front of the cave or back into the corners, thereby giving archaeologists something to work with in the future. No floor to sweep, no windows to wash, nothing to paint, clean, trim or mow...and man was as happy as a pig in shi… alright, maybe that’s not a good analogy.
However, somewhere along the line someone decided that we desperately needed to move to a more affluent neighborhood. I am guessing it was someone’s wife…
Now I have to tell you that men and women have different standards, what is clean to a man may not reach the lofty standards set by most women. When you ask your man if something is clean or not, he is looking to see if you can see the thing through the layer of dust…if you can, it is clean! Simple. (remember the cave)
Cooking is the same, is the meat bleeding and moving about? No, then it is ready, dig in.
For some reason women recoil at this relaxed state that men seem genetically predisposed to??

Then there is the ‘Hopeless Gambit’ an all-encompassing theory put into practice when you are asked to do something you do not want to do. It works like this, stuff it up badly enough, often enough and you will not be asked to do it again. (it works surprisingly well) I have witnessed this done by all manner of men, from lowly husband’s right up to our Prime Minister.

What I am saying here is that some men are lowering the standards well below the achievable. Whether deliberately or coincidentally they make us all seem inept and childlike…and I am confused! I do not know whether to scold them or thank them.



Starry said...

I think men can be great in the kitchen and house keeping in general now and I love it! But when speaking to my aged father about things I do sound completely sexist, I think he should stay out of the kitchens - his and mine, especially mine. He puts the things that belong in the fridge in the cupboard, the things that belong in the cupboard in the freezer, rinses the sponge he used to clean up cat poop in the kitchen sink, washes the vase with the slimy plant life in the washing up water before he does the dishes.... my nightmare really. I'm sure some of this is age related but the hygeine stuff, that is lifelong!

Pearl said...

I made it a point to teach my son how to cook, clean, and sew on his own buttons.

His future wife will thank me.


Tempo said...

Hi Starry,
I never said men 'cant' be taught..just that they dont want to be taught.. your dad sounds like the case in point, he's experienced in the ‘Hopeless Gambit’ and it's working for him.
Hi Pearl,
...and I hear that many American mothers are teaching their sons to pee sitting down to avoid that whole toilet seat thing...and pee on the floor thing.

Spiral said...

I grew up with my parents making sexist jokes and comments but have learned to change the way I think. If you're interested and given encouragent and support you can do well/enjoy anything :)