Sunday, March 18, 2012

If Women Ruled The World....


Pearl said...

Hey! I have a hammer just like that!!


p.s. OK -- now you have to tell me: what is "rooting" in Australia?!

Windsmoke. said...

The chained toilet seat gets my vote, that's a classic :-).

Magsx2 said...

Hi Tempo,
Oh I just love the pictures, I was going to pick a favourite, but I do like them all. LOL

Belle said...

Oh, I would hate to see the manogram. I quit having those mammography tests. I figured they did more harm than good. Now, I would love that parking space everywhere I go. My hubby always says to me, "You could park a Semi in here."

Tempo said...

Ive seen many a picture put up with that kind of hammer Pearl, when theres nothing else...anything will do eh? Screwing Pearl...screwing!
Hi Windsmoke, I'm sure women would actually do that one...if they could master the right tools for it.
Hi Mags, I've been collecting these up for a while until I had enough for the post, I love them all.. My fav would be the car speedo.
Ah, the manogram would be a laugh eh Belle? Modern parking places are much too narrow, I used to drive a 1974 classic Falcon and I had to park right at the back of parking lots because I couldn't get the huge beast into the parks.

Sarah said...

Where can one order that special chained toilet seat?

Tempo said...

Hi Sarah, That would be a custom order Sarah..but I'm sure it can be done. Why dont mothers teach their little boys to pee sitting down? Just one generation later and the seat stays down...easy!

Joe Pereira said...

Great pics Tempo, love the manogram

River said...

Laughing at the Any key! I would hate that chained toilet seat, imagine having to clean pee spray off every chain link and you couldn't get under the seat to clean it off the rim either! I say just put up with having to lower the seat. After all, men don't complain when they have to lift it.

Al Penwasser said...

They'd have sex all the time.
No, wait.
That's for guys.

Friko said...

I’m not sure I meant to come here but now that I’m here I’m laughing, sort of.

You must be Australian, eh Bruce?

Murr Brewster said...

Oh I don't know. The raised toilet seat doesn't bother me at all, since I quit backing up to the toilet in the dark.